Wednesday, 23 May 2012

People Try To Put Us Down...

Talking 'bout my Generation
[The Who  - My Generation]

Too true. We are always getting labeled everything that's wrong to be. And the worst part? We do nothing now that the previous generations haven't already done before us, we're just more open about it.

Whereas the generations before us sat about waiting for Mr Right or Prince Charming to come along and sweep them off their feet [or at least that was the public appearance they put on it] finding someone of our age doing the same is rare. 

And it's not just us who picked up on this. Anyone else remember GHD'd Twisted Fairytales a few years ago? With Cinderella et al running away before their Prince Charming's got there to save them? Those ad's re branded GHD, and our lifestyles.

Because now we, * big shock*, don't hang about and wait for the right one, we go for the one right now. And he can come along in a few different formats, some better than others, none of which the generations before us are comfortable with. Be this they really are just prudes or old fashioned, or they might just be uncomfortable with our openness about situations. Why hide it or pretend that its something its not? Be honest. And fuck the haters.

Right now can be any of [or more than just one of] the following:

  1. The One Night Stand - where you sleep with the person, normally after a night of over indulgence of alcohol [or other substances if that's what your into] and you don't repeat the process.
  2. The Accident Fuck Buddy - When the one night stands ends up being a weekend stand. For whatever reason you end up with the same person at random weekends, always having casual sex while not having any other contact.
  3. The Fuck Buddy - Someone you meet up with, with the sole purpose of having sex. No chit chat, no cuddles, just sex.
  4. The Friend With Benefits - A good friend you come to a mutual agreement with that you will have sex with each other on a semi regular basis, but without it changing anything else in your already formed friendship
  5. The "Boyfriend" - you're only with this person, but he tends to change every [few] month[s].
Some of these work. Some don't. It all depends on you as a person. My conclusion is the "boyfriend" is too much drama, the one night stands are too sleazy. Fuck Buddy would be the best option, you have the none of the drama, without the pretense that it won't change the friendship. But when the feelings start, get the fuck out!

Of course, society doens't really like any of these, but "go ahead and talk sit, talk shit about me, and go ahead and talk shit about my g-g-generation" [Limp Bizkit - My Generation]